When you’re testing out a new offer…

When you’re testing out a new offer…

It’s normal to question if you’re charging the “right” amount…if you’re delivering enough value…if you’re actually helping the people you’re trying to serve.

You’ll find the answers to these questions by working alongside your clients and customers. And sometimes, the answers will show up in unexpected ways.

For example, I’ve been coaching a creator 1-on-1…

Now, coaching wasn’t a service I had set out to offer.

But my client was looking for an accountability partner, a sounding board that “gets” his industry and the journey he’s on, and someone who knows content strategy. In turn, I felt I could learn a lot from him…

So we agreed on a coaching relationship 🤝

Problem was, it was my 1st time fulfilling on something like this (normally I write copy & content). I wasn’t sure if I could walk alongside someone and guide them on the things I’m so used to doing on my own.

So naturally, my pricing reflected these insecurities 🥴 

Fast forward to last week, we’ve been working together for some time now…

He suggested I raise my rate by 25% next time I invoice him.

Wait, what?

With just a single, well-placed comment, he made it clear that the coaching relationship was indeed valuable and helpful for him. And, at the same time, that my pricing was off and needed an adjustment.

What’s the takeaway from all this? If you have something unique and valuable to offer…and people are interested in it…and it’s in line with your bigger goals…then go for it!

There’ll be good people along the way to help you learn, adjust, and build confidence in yourself and what you can do. And sometimes, in ways that’ll genuinely surprise you.




