Building A High-Ticket Sales Flow

This was originally sent as an email to Frame/Reframe subscribers:

Hey there,

A couple days ago, I was on a client call…

We were bouncing ideas around to update the sales process for his high-ticket coaching program.

Before this, I had written a sales letter for his program: 3,000+ words (the size of a small book). And a checkout form for those who were ready to buy.

But there was a big problem…

We were building a sales process for where we WANTED the program to be. And not for where the program IS today.

Today, there are still a couple question marks in the sales process. And these need to be addressed with a more hands-on approach.

In other words, we got ahead of ourselves and built an automated process when the program just wasn’t ready for it yet.

(The lesson here is: Don’t build for a version of your product that doesn’t exist yet. Build for the product you have TODAY. Somehow we humans have a tendency to forget this…)

So back to our call…

My client and I decided to ditch the sales letter. And instead, create a new sales flow for his high-ticket coaching program…

One that’s automated where possible, and hands-on where needed.

That’s when I remembered stumbling upon a solution from copywriter Paul French. He had solved a similar problem in a clever and effective way.

The solution?

The way I would describe it is…by flipping the sales letter on its side.

Cool, but wtf is that?

Basically it’s taking all the elements you would normally cram into a one-page sales letter…

And delivering them across a series of automated digital assets. These assets can be ads, videos, questionnaires, forms, landing pages, emails…all leading up to a smoother sales convo.

(I won’t bore you with all the details here. But if you want to know more, just reply to this email and I’m happy to answer any questions.)

This sales flow is what I plan to create for my client.

The awesome thing is, it’s going to help him:

  • Screen for people who can’t (or won’t) invest the money, or who aren’t actually interested in what he offers
  • Prep prospects to make a confident and informed decision on the sales call
  • Navigate people through the sales process so they know where they are and what’s up ahead

Even though this sounds like a complicated process, it’s actually very simple with the right approach.

I believe we’re going to see a lot more of these “horizontal” sales flows from creators and forward-looking brands.

For now, I’m super excited to build this for my client and his coaching program.

Talk soon!


P.S. If you’re a creator or forward-looking brand that needs help with email copywriting, tap here to book a free 20-min strategy session.

And if you know someone who’s looking for an email copywriter, I offer a 10% lifetime referral bonus for every client you refer.




